In periods of uncertainty, Intellistocks has performed exceptionally well
July 09, 2022
We help investors build wealth by curating portfolios to invest in 37 markets across globe to drive better, quicker, and stable results without outsized risk.
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results. Intellistocks has a number of portfolio systems that cover different international markets and investment strategies. There is a high probability that the performance of one portfolio will differ from that of another; hence, its performance should not be used as a benchmark or guidance for all other portfolio buckets. Results are before fees, charges, and taxes. No client, present or prospective, should expect that we will be able to replicate these results or guarantee future profits. For more details please visit terms of use page at
Our investment approach combines medium-to-long-term opportunities with short-term gains for optimal risk-reward ratio.
We begin our search for companies that will prosper regardless of political or economic conditions.
Stocks with insignificant market capitalization that are below our screening levels are eliminated.
Quantitative filters applied to select companies with solid track records or potential for turnaround.
We further filter based on intrinsic value approach and the companies that have a strong economic moat that will help them outperform its industry peers.
Every qualified stock is now ranked across the market as well as within its sector using the derived multi-factor models and also considering risk vs. reward.
We tap micro & macro analysis and closely monitor key risks to manage portfolio risks and stay responsive to changing trends and developments.
Intellistocks provides investment objective-based solutions. These objective-based portfolios can be stocks only or stocks plus bonds. For investors with religious beliefs, we also provide ethical investing portfolios. We cover 37 stock markets across the globe.
With Intellistocks, you can acquire institution-grade, bespoke investment solutions for minimal investments. We onboard clients with as low as $100k USD. However, our average client capital is over $175k USD, and this is what we seek in a long-term partnership.
Yes, there is no lock-in period. As a privileged Intellistocks client, you have complete flexibility and liquidity without incurring any fees. This implies you can add additional capital or withdraw funds at any time.
The safety of your investment is of paramount importance to us. Regardless of your citizenship, customer securities accounts at Interactive Brokers LLC are protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation ("SIPC") for a maximum coverage of $500,000 (with a cash sublimit of $250,000) and under Interactive Brokers LLC's excess SIPC policy with certain underwriters at Lloyd's of London for up to an additional $30 million (with a cash sublimit of $900,000).
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results. Intellistocks has a number of portfolio systems that cover different international markets and investment strategies. There is a high probability that the performance of one portfolio will differ from that of another; hence, its performance should not be used as a benchmark or guidance for all other portfolio buckets. Results are before fees, charges, and taxes. No client, present or prospective, should expect that we will be able to replicate these results or guarantee future profits. For more details please visit terms of use page at